An excerpt from Al Ghunya lit Talibi Tariq al Haqq
Sultan Muhyuddin Sayyidinaa Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al- Jilani Radhi Allahu ta ‘ala ‘anhu
O young man, the word Ramadhan consists of five letters:
1 - Ra' 2 - Meem 3 - Dhad 4 - Alif 5 - Noon.
The Ra' is derived from Rahma (mercy), the Meem from mujazat (recompense), mahabba (love) and minna (favour), the Dhad from dhaman lil thawab (assurance of reward), the Alif from ulfa (affinity) and qurb (nearness) and the Noon from nur (light) and nawal [the receiving (of grace)]
If you give this month its due and act properly during it, these things will come to you from the True One (‘Azza wa Jall).
They will come to you in this world as strengthening and enlightening for your hearts, & as favour & receiving of grace, outwardly and inwardly. In the hereafter there will come to you what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard & has never occurred to any human heart.
Most of you are out of touch with Ramadhan. Respect for a command comes in proportion to the respect shown to the commander. As for anyone out of touch with Allah (‘Azza wa Jall), His Messenger, His Prophets & the righteous among servants (Peace & Blessings Upon Them), then how can he be in touch with this month?
Most of you have seen their fathers, mothers & neighbours fast, so they joined them in fasting as a matter of habit not worship. They think that fasting is merely abstaining from food & drink, so they do not fulfil its conditions & requirements.
O People give up habitual practice and keep to worship. Fast for the sake of Allah (‘Azza wa Jall). Do not get bored of fasting & worshipping in this month. Do righteous deeds, during it, & make sure that you act with sincerity. Make a regular practice of the prayers of taraweeh. Illuminate the mosques, for this will be a light for you on the Day of Resurrection. If you obey and respect Allah (‘Azza wa Jall) in this month, it will be an intercessor on your behalf in the presence of your Lord (‘Azza wa Jall) on the Day of Resurrection. It will beg Him to grant you a share of His favour, His Generosity, His Blessings, His Grace, His Graciousness, His Subtle Kindness & His Safekeeping.
Woe unto you! What Benefit would you derive from fasting if you break it on unlawful food & Sleep during these noble nights having committed acts of disobedience? You fast out of dissimulation & hypocrisy as long as you are among creatures, & once you are on you own you break your fast! Then you come out & say: “I am keeping the fast”, while throughout the day you are involved in verbal abuse, levelling defamatory accusations, swearing false oaths & taking people’s money by way of defrauding, trickery & exaction. This sort of behaviour makes you no good at all and does not count as a fast.