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- Category: Social Services
- Hits: 51
The Muslim population in the United States is growing steadily, with various estimates of Muslims living in the United States to be around 2.6 million in 2010 expected to rise to about 6.2 million by the year 2030 (Pew Research Center). The steady rise in the Muslim population in the United States is attributed to immigration and conversions with an increasing number of people converting to Islam over the past 25 years or more. With this steady increase in the overall Muslim population, services are needed in different areas (health, education, social services, law, food service and hotel industry, information technology and businesses) to accommodate the needs of Muslims. Alhamdullilah, there are more Muslim owned restaurants, hotels, and halal stores throughout the United States, particularly in urban areas and some suburban areas where many Muslims reside. In the area of education there are more Islamic schools being established in the United States, particularly over the past 10 years or so in some urban and suburban areas. In the area of social services in many areas the Muslim community overall still remains an underserved population with many families struggling to pay bills, to keep food in the home, and with family and martial concerns.
In our work with Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services, LLC, which is a Muslim Social Service organization designed to meet the needs of Muslim families through support and education services, we have seen the dire need for these types of services which include food, clothing and household items distribution, bill assistance, health and nutrition education and consultation, parenting and marriage and family classes, matrimonial services and additional outreach programs. Alhamdullilah, we have also recently included a janaza fund for families who cannot afford to pay for the janaza expenses of their loved ones as we have seen in the past few months with families call us asking for assistance. As Muslims our diets are restricted to certain types of foods, so we usually cannot benefit from local food banks in our areas because of the foods that they distribute. Likewise, with clothing our style of clothing is modest so we cannot normally receive clothing from other agencies because they are not suited to our way of dress. With counseling for family and parenting issues we follow Islamic guidelines, the Holy Quran and Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alahie wa Sallam) the best example for all mankind; so we cannot go to outside agencies as well for advice or counseling services. Therefore, it is imperative for committed and qualified Muslims to initiate their own programs and for the Muslim community to fully support those programs and agencies in their locale which are designed to meet the needs of Muslim families if possible with time, efforts, and funds. Once these agencies start consistency, professionalism, and a cooperative effort are imperative with those who volunteer as well as with other agencies and communities to join hands to work together for the common good of the overall Muslim community. All too often Muslims do not support Muslim owned or operated businesses and services, which continues to be a weak link in the chain to hopefully work towards the improvement and betterment of Muslim families.
Read more: The Need For More Muslim Social Services Organizations in the United States

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- Category: Social Services
- Hits: 50
In the past few months, we have seen the dire need to establish a janaza fund for Muslim families who lose their loved ones and are unable to pay the expenses of funeral homes, burial costs, etc….. Since we serve Muslim families, many of whom are aging, the establishment of a janaza fund is essential particularly since so many families are struggling and unable to pay for these expenses. Even though most masjids do have janaza funds they too become quickly depleted, and we have had families call us for assistance because their local masjid could not cover the entire costs for the janaza.
Anyone who would like to donate towards this fund can do so through PayPal on our website or through personal check made payable to: Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services, LLC.. If you are donating towards the janaza fund please note that on the check or in an email, so we know where to direct the funds. Please contact us for a mailing address if donating by check
Jazak Allah Khairan.
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- Category: Social Services
- Hits: 46
What is food insecurity? Acceptable shorthand definitions for food insecurity are “being hungry” or “at risk of hunger” or “not knowing where your next meal is coming from.”
According to recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture the reduction of SNAP benefits will affect approximately 23 million low income households. Some of this has already taken effect as of November 2013. As a result many families are now seeking assistance from other programs, in particular food banks and food pantries. SNAP benefits will average less than $1.40 per person per meal in 2014.
Some alarming statistics from (Feeding America, Map the Meal Gap) are as follows:
20% of all Georgians-nearly 1 in 5 Georgians are food insecure;
28.8% of children in Georgia-1 in 4 children live in food insecure households;
Both unemployment and underemployment are also factors in the increase in demand for food assistance with 27% of outside agencies (food banks/food pantries) reporting that people are now seeking assistance for the first time in their lives;
In regards to senior hunger, Georgia is ranked 9th as one of the highest states of senior hunger (2011 National Survey of Older Americans Act). Seniors who have been served through such programs as “Meals on Wheels “and Mobile Food Pantries have reported more food security, improvement to their overall health and comments were very favorable for this type of service.
In our work with the mobile food pantry we have seen a tremendous increase in the amounts of people asking for food assistance over the past few months. The increase has been so drastic that our supply of food items has been depleted in our attempts to get food packages to families who really need them. Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services serve Muslim families in Northeast Georgia and the metro Atlanta area through our mobile food pantry. Many of the families that we serve live off very limited SSI incomes, meager child support payments or minimum wage jobs. We are in the process of restocking the pantry throughout the winter months in order to continue to serve the families who are in need. Anyone wishing to donate food items please contact us and we can arrange a pickup of these items. All non- perishable and canned foods are welcome, as well as frozen foods and meats.
Jazak Allah Khairan.