Our Monthly Feed the Homeless Events
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 290
Qaala Rasulullahi Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim
: “Khayrun Naasi anfahum lin naas:
The Holy Last Messenger of Allah, Sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim (the Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him and his Noble Family) said;
“The best of Mankind are those who are of the most benefit to mankind”.
Alhamdullilah, each month we serve homeless groups in various locations. This month we served a group in SE Atlanta (mainly women and children). Alhamdullilah, the meal was very much appreciated by all the residents.
Our next homeless event is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th Insha Allahu ta ‘ala. In the midst of all the negative anti-Islamic propaganda, with Allah’s permission we will continue to share the true positive message of Islam by serving our needy homeless neignbors.
One of the best methods of giving dawah, in these trying times we think, is sharing the message of compassion and mercy with our Muslim and non-Muslims neighbors in their time of need. Anyone wishing further information, Please contact us.
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