- Shaykh Jalaluddin as Suyuti al Misri
- Natural Medicine
- Unani Tibb
- Read Time: 33 mins
- Hits: 802
From "Tibb un Nabawiyy by Shaykh Jalaluddin as Suyuti al Misri
"Said the Prophet Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim: The stomach is the house of disease. And again he said: If the stomach is sick, the vessels return sick"
One of the Brethren asked me to tell him something about anatomy and how food reaches the various organs. So I answered his question placing my hope on Allah. I said: Said Almighty Allah: Certainly We created Man from an extract of clay. Then We made him a small life germ in a firm resting place. Then we made the life a clot: then We made the clot a lump of flesh: then We made the lump of flesh bones: then We clothed the bones with flesh: then We caused it to grow into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of Creators (Quran 23.12).
Note: The saying of Allah ' Certainly We created Man' means the creation of the Sons of Adam. The word 'man' means the whole of the species, being both singular and plural, all that derive from the extract of clay.
Said Ibn 'Abbas: The ' extract of clay' means the very essence. Muhammad said: It means the semen of the Sons of Adam. 'Akrama claimed that it means the water which flows from the loins.
As for the phrase ' the small life germ ' the Arabs call the life germ the extract and the parent the extractor or the flow, because both the extract and the life germ flow from clay, that is, from the clay of Adam. And the extract is generated from clay and Adam was created from it.
It is said that the meaning of the word ' mankind' is Adam and His saying ' extract' or ' flow' implies earth of all kinds. Al-Kalabi adds that the life germ flowed from clay and that the clay was Adam.
So then, we placed the life germ, that is to say Man, in a firm resting place, strongly guarded. This is the uterus which is concealed and is a fixed resting place for the life germ until its arrival at its term of life.
Next “We made the life germ into a clot”. It is said that between the two creations are forty days. Ibn Mas'ud relates: The Prophet Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim - and he is a most trustworthy knower - has related to us that it was decided for all creation to take forty days in the womb of the mother. So the clot was like that.
Next came the piece of flesh in the same way. Then Allah sent an angel to blow a soul into it. And He gave orders for his fate to be written in four words- for hindrance or for help, for misery or for happiness. This is the tradition reported by al-Bukhari and by Muslim.
Physicians are agreed that the fetus is created in the uterus and that it rests there for about forty days. Here are differentiated the male and the female organs according to the heat of the temperaments and the faculties.
Next comes the clot of blood in a similar manner and this clot is a piece of congealed blood. Next comes the lump of flesh in a similar manner or call it a small piece of tissue. This constitutes the third period of forty days. Then it begins to move, as said the Prophet: We breathed into it a soul. All wise men are agreed that no soul is breathed in until after the fourth month. Know then that the semen is at first cheesy, like scum on water. Then it becomes bloody and finally fleshy. Next it receives form. Then it begins to move. The shortest possible period of pregnancy for a child to survive is 182 days. Full term pregnancy lasts 280 days.