Dr. Salimah Hunafa, Founder and Director of the Madinah Food Pantry, has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation. After submitting here dissertation and orally defending it, Dr. Hunafa has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services.
The Madinah Food Pantry was started in the spring of 2011 because of the tremendous need for food pantries specifically designed to meet the needs of Muslim families. Recent statistics from the Department of Agriculture have revealed that as a result of the economic downturn or loss of income of families in America many are finding it more and more difficult to provide sufficient food to feed their families. After living in Northeast Georgia for over 20 years and having the opportunity to live around Muslims and visit Muslims in other areas across the United States the idea for starting a food pantry seemed very relevant since there are currently no food pantries in the Northeast Georgia area specifically intended to assist those Muslim families with the exception of Madinah Food Pantry. There are local food pantries in various counties throughout Northeast Georgia; however, much of the food distributed from these pantries cannot be eaten by Muslims. The meat is not dhabihah halal, much of the food contains pork, lard, or gelatin products as well as animal shortening in some of the snacks, baked products and cookies. From this standpoint alone, there is a great need for a food pantry that will distribute dhabihah meat and food that is halal for Muslims to eat. Madinah Food Pantry also receives and distributes Islamic clothing, and modest seasonal clothing.
Dr. Hunafa has been active in the Metro Atlanta community and nationwide for the better part of 25 years promoting Integrity Based Education and Social Services from an Islamic perspective. Dr. Hunafa along with Mrs. Safiyyah Abdul Khafidh was instrumental in the establishment of Madinah Madrassah in 1989 in the idyllic Madinah Village outside of the City of Commerce under the direct guidance of His Eminence Al Imam Shaykh Sayyid Mubarik ‘Ali Jilani Hashimi. Madinah Madrassah graduates have gone on to obtain degrees in higher education in several fields of study. Dr. Hunafa has six children, all of whom she homeschooled. Her oldest four children are currently attending college pursuing degrees in education, social work, information technology science and automotive technology. Dr. Hunafa homeschools her two youngest children, ages 16 and 14 using eclectic approaches. Dr. Salimah Hunafa was also an educator at Dar Un Noor School, an arm of Al Farooq Masjid in Atlanta GA during its formative years under Brother Qaiser Imam, then Principal of Dar un Noor School.
Dr. Hunafa’s background in social services spans over a period of roughly 30 years which includes working as a medical social worker, child protective services worker, counselor, caseworker in three different agencies (DFACS, day school for mentally and physically challenged adults, drug prevention agency) and in working with support services for children and families. In addition to the Doctorate in Philosophy in Human Services through Walden University, she also currently holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Services and Counseling from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia since 1986 and a Master’s degree in Social Work since 1989 from the University of Georgia with emphasis on Child Welfare and Family Systems.
Dr. Hunafa’s dissertation focused on interviewing Muslim families who presently live in the Southeastern part of the United States and the challenges that Muslims face living in the United States. Both the current research and interviewees of her study indicated the dire need for social services for Muslims who live in the United States. Much of the current research has indicated that Muslims are a rapidly growing population and yet a population that is underserved by the current social services systems in that their needs are unique and often misunderstood by those in the helping professions. We present with Dr. Hunafa’s permission the Abstract from the dissertation: “Lived experiences of Sunni Muslims in a rural intentional community in the United States.”
“The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lives of Muslims living in an Islamic village through their own perspectives, experiences, and lives in accordance with Islamic beliefs and customs. This study was important because the Muslim population is growing rapidly and yet remains one of the most marginalized religious communities in the United States. The majority of studies about Muslims have taken place in urban areas, however much less is known about Muslims who live in rural communities. Accordingly, the research goal of this study used ethnographic methods to allow the voices of Muslims to be heard who live in a rural community in the Southeast. Seven participants from one rural community formed a purposeful sample that included five females and two males. The research questions examined the lived experiences of Muslims living in a rural community and what factors contributed to starting a rural intentional community. Data were coded, and major themes were developed based on these codes. Results were validated through member checks, a thick rich narrative description, and triangulation. Consistent major themes that emerged from this study were identified which focused on the need for education about the Islamic religion to dispel misinformation about Muslims and the need for open interfaith dialogue to celebrate diversity and explore possible solutions confronting various religious groups. The results of this study could serve to facilitate positive social change by promoting understanding and respect of various religious traditions and by providing a framework for therapists to achieve goals of counseling with serving Muslim clients.”
When asked where she wanted to do in the future, Dr. Hunafa indicated that as Muslims are underserved and the special needs of America’s Muslim population are by and large misunderstood, she would like to establish a Muslim Social Services organization catering to the needs of the Muslim community no matter the persuasion. Dr. Hunafa is available and willing to network with like-minded individuals Muslims and non-Muslims with a view to serving Humanity as all of mankind are the sons and daughters of our father Adam ‘alaihi salaam and our mother Hawwa ‘alaiha salaam. Dr. Hunafa is also available for speaking engagements.
Dr. Salimah Hunafa may be reached at