Our Merciful and Ever-Watching Allah, The Most High, is aware of the purposeful plan to harm the populace through food. The safeness of our food has been questionable for decades. If you do not grow your own food, you really do not know what you are eating. That is a fact of life for everyone living during these trying and difficult times.
Growing your own food and using organic seeds is the only way. Our local farmers are using more fertilizers and pesticides than ever before. Many are forced to do so because they use genetically modified seeds (GMO’s), and these seeds need the fertilizer to grow properly. These are very chilling facts, because most people consume foods that are altered daily. As we all know, the long term results of GMO’S are being tested on us everyday.
The real problem with food today is that it is not real. Scientists mix moth’s DNA with potatoes and fish DNA with strawberries and we eat “Franken-Food”. Mass production and shipping are another large part of the food scares. Sterilization,radiation, irrigation, and chemicals heighten the dangers to our food. In all of its glory, mass production has tainted the word pure, and replaced it with altered food products forever. Refining and processing these foods takes more time and energy than consuming them in their natural states. Inside of a box of Wheaties you receive about $0.10 worth of wheat. The box itself cost more than the cereal. You really get better nutrition from 1 piece of chapatti, bread made of flour and water, because extensive processing kills the nutritional value of wheat.
Read more: Deadly Food Scares: Vital Facts About Food Scares