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- Category: Health & Nutrition
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In 2015, the Center for Disease Prevention (CDC) reported that around 93.3 million American adults suffered from obesity. This staggering number is expected to rise due to our affinity for unhealthy food and our lack of exercise. In response to this dilemma, an increasing number of Americans are beginning to transition towards a plant-based diet. Plant-based diets consist of foods derived primarily from plants, and omit animal proteins such as dairy and meat. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and legumes are staples to any plant based diet. Such diets have been attributed to weight loss, skincare benefits, and cancer prevention.
Diets dominated by animal protein are positively linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and heart disease to name a few. Comparatively, plant based foods contain higher levels of fiber and lower levels of cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium. As a result, plant-based eaters typically display a lower body mass index (BMI) and an overall improved state of well-being. Through the intake of plant-based whole foods (foods that are unprocessed and unrefined), weight loss is achieved naturally and is more easily attainable. In comparison to fad diets and calorie restriction, plant-based diets allow individuals to lose weight in a safe and effective manner without going hungry. Therefore, when adopted as a consistent lifestyle choice, plant-based diets produce weight loss that is long-lasting and sustainable.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (ADA), adult acne is increasing and affects up to 15 percent of women. While acne may be caused by a number of factors including hormones, genetics, and stress, many are noticing a correlation between breakouts and the overconsumption of animal products. Animals raised on factory farms are often injected with growth hormones in order to increase meat production. We ingest these hormones whenever we consume animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Meat is acidic in nature and acidic foods contribute to inflammation, which in turn results in skin irritation. Dairy, on the other hand, is linked to the overproduction of sebum which causes oily skin, clogs pores, and contributes to the development of unsightly bumps and blemishes. Cutting out these foods often results in the alleviation of skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and chronic acne. Furthermore, through the introduction of fruits, vegetables, and nuts to one’s diet skin essential vitamins and nutrients such as vitamins C, E, A, and K, beta-carotene, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants are able to work their wonders on dull, waxy, and irritated skin.
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), there were an estimated 609,640 cancer-related deaths in the United States in 2018 and a devastating 1,735,350 cancer diagnoses. Cancer (aka malignancy) results from an abnormal growth of cells which destroy healthy body tissue. Many cancer sufferers seek alternative methods of cancer treatment, while many more seek to discover and implement preventative measures. One such measure may be taken through a drastic change in one’s diet and lifestyle. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommends a plant-based diet (moderate amounts of meat and dairy are acceptable) as a preventative measure for cancer and as a lifestyle implementation to cancer survivors and current sufferers. Plant-based foods containing nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals have been linked to an increased chance for survival in cancer patients, while diets rich in saturated fats had the opposite effect.
While the benefits of plant-based diets are many, transitioning into a plant-based diet may be a daunting task for some. Fortunately, making the transition into a plant-based diet can be simple and easy with a few helpful tips. Switching cow’s milk with almond milk, preparing more meals consistent of grains, vegetables, roots, and legumes, replacing luxuries such as yogurts, ice-cream, and coffee creamers with their non-dairy counterparts, taking a plant-based multivitamin, and understanding that plant-based eating needn’t require cutting out animal products entirely will help make the transition to plant-based eating smooth and stress-free.
Jing, Daisy. (2017). Meat, Dairy, Oil and Acne on Skin. Retrieved from
Jones, Taylor. (2018). The 12 Best Foods for Healthy Skin.
Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-foods-for-healthy-skin#section3
McClees, Heather. (2015). 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Embracing a Plant-Based Diet.
Retrieved from http://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/amazing-health-benefits-of-embracing-a-plant-based-diet/
Scott-Thomas, Caroline. (2014). Meat and Dairy-Rich Diets may Quadruple Cancer Death Risk.
Retrieved from https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2014/03/05/Animal-protein-
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- Category: Health & Nutrition
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Foods of the winter should nourish and warm our systems. During the winter months our bodies begin to dry out. Many people forget to drink plenty of water during this time. Water is extremely important in the winter months. Our skin, mucus membranes, sinuses, and joints are all put through such a rough workout. Water helps greatly to flush these areas. The cold temperatures, bundling up and trying to conserve our heat source is an effort. Our diets should be supportive to the weather. The best winter foods to eat should help your body stay warm, and healthy. The varieties are literally endless.
What we should always know that ALL foods should be GMO free, organic, and pesticide free. Carrots, beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes; also kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, and cabbage are very beneficial in bringing heat to the body, and these vegetables enhance the winter experience. Here are some of their health benefits;
- Beets-help the liver and kidneys flush out floating body fats. The iron in beets helps clean excessive fat accumulation from blood cells. They also contain natural chlorine that washes fat from the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. And they tend to stimulate the vitality of the blood lymph which circulates through the body, helping dislodge fatty deposits.
- Brussel Sprouts -stimulate the pancreas to release hormones. And the minerals in the vegetable stimulate the kidneys to release water as well. Together, the hormones and water then flush the fatty tissues.
- Cabbage- whether raw, steamed or juiced, is very high in sulphur and iodine which clean the mucous membranes in your stomach and intestinal tract. Cabbage is particularly helpful for people with "pot bellies" because it also helps break down the fat in the cells of the stretched skin on your stomach.
- Carrots- are a primary source of carotene, which breaks down into vitamin A and nourishes cells and tissues. As your digestive system transforms the carotene into vitamin A, your metabolism accelerates and your other vital systems also speed up. This activity vibrates the fat cells and dislodges fat.
- Celery -has a high concentration of ready-to-use calcium which energizes your endocrine system, speeding up hormone production and breaking down fatty deposits in cells. Celery is also high in magnesium and iron which both nourish the blood cells and help in elimination of wastes.
- Cucumbers- can help cool inflammation in fat cells and restore a balance between acid and alkaline. This loosens body wastes for removal. Cucumbers are also high in sulfur and silicon, two minerals that help your kidneys wash waste from your system. And they are high in potassium which stimulates the glands, helping to break down fat.
- Garlic- is the most powerful natural diuretic. It is also a natural anti- biotic. A clove of garlic each day also helps break down stubborn clumps of fat, and fights colds.
- Horseradish- just a half teaspoon a day actually dissolves fat right in the cells and then acts as a germ fighter and cleanser.

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- Category: Health & Nutrition
- Hits: 17
Whenever anyone sees blood they are frightened. Because this usually signals something serious is happening. We rarely think of blood, unless we see it. The blood pumping through your veins is your lifeline. Blood distributes oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, while removing waste and toxins from the system.
It’s in the blood where the body’s main immune system defenses are located. They are protecting you from illness and infection. Blood is vital to the body, and to your good health. Allah Ta Ala has created the body to purify itself. The kidney’s, liver and lymphatic system work tirelessly to cleanse the blood of unwanted toxins and impurities. However sometime the work load is just too much and these toxins begin to build up in our muscle tissue and blood. We will find ourselves having aches, pains or stiff joints. We may have headaches, pimples, boils, nervousness, drowsiness or even discolored skin. These are all symptoms of impure blood.
What Causes Toxin Buildup?
Poor diet, fast food, alcohol (in any form), medication, and environmental toxicity all help to contribute to the excessive amount of toxins in the body and as a result, modern-day living requires us to detox very often to help rejuvenate the system, improve liver function and restore health. There are many things that contribute to impure blood. Impure water, constipation, or sleeping in rooms with poor ventilation is a factor. Lack of exercise, worry, fear, unhappiness also causes the blood to be impure. The brain is 90% water and when the majority of our beverages are other than water this is also a contributor to polluted blood. However with all of these examples of how our blood can become polluted there is still another one. It has been hidden for a while and is a major factor in many illnesses of the day. Many cities are being sprayed daily. Not just in the United States but all over the world. Many American scientists and layman have been investigating and analyzing the plants and dirt after these daily sprayings and have come to the conclusion that it is harming or blood. Fabric like fibers and silicon are what appears to being dropped. It is very fine however it is showing up in blood tests. Many people are complaining of oozing sores. They have unexplained rashes on their skin. They complain of excess fungus, parasites, and bacterial infections. There have been thousands of people affected. The average person is really not aware of what is going on. They call the disease ‘Morgellons”, and it is harmful to all. Many people have full blown episodes of this illness.
Some of the symptoms are; bumps or lumps in the head, brain fog, hair loss, floaters on eyeball surface, nostrils develop very sore pimples, hacking cough, teeth become loose, crawling feeling on the skin etc.