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- Category: Natural Medicine
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By Hakim Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti
And when I am sick it is You that heals me.
Al Qur’an Majid
Disclaimer: All material provided herein is from the Unani Herbal Healing site and is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your own physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
Excerpt #1
O mankind! There hath come to you a direction from your Lord
And a healing for the diseases in your hearts–
And for those who believe, a Guidance, and a Mercy.
Qur’an 10:57
It is the custom of the Shaykhs to first of all resort to some form of dietary advice to affect the cure of simple imbalances. This dietary reform may include adjusting the use of various herbs and spices in cooking.
The herbal formulas given here are usually easy to obtain and require very little effort to prepare. These remedies are formulated according to the qualities of heat and coldness (garmi and sardi) of each substance and work primarily by rebalancing the temperament of one or more of the four essences of the body. Despite their simplicity, these herbal formulas are quite effective.
Preparation of Remedies
1. Formulas should be prepared according to instructions.
2. When a formula calls for powdered herbs, they should be ground to a fine powder and sieved through a muslin cloth or a sieve of 100 mesh (unless formula says a coarse powder may be used).
3. When herbs are to be made into a decoction (boiled in water), as soon as the water starts to boil, the vessel should be removed from the fire and allowed to sit {:or five minutes; then the liquid should be strained and drunk warm.
4. When a formula calls for a liquid to be reduced to half, the vessel should be kept on a medium fire until about half the water has evaporated by boiling.
5. Sugar, if it is to be added to a formula, should be a fine powder of pure, raw, unrefined sugar, such as that from Mexico. If unavailable, use honey in its place.
6. In some cases, the instructions say to soak an herb overnight. If this cannot be done, the herbs may be soaked for three to four hours, and then simmered five to six hours before using. This method would also be used in winter.
7. When instructed to make a “water” (e.g., ginger water, lime water), soak one to two ounces of the herb or other substance in one pint of pure water for four to six hours. Strain before using.
8. Formulas that are to be preserved and used for more than one day may also be prepared in reduced or lesser quantities than called for. The ratios of each ingredient must be carefully adjusted in such cases.
9. When equal parts of herbs are to be used, each herb should be equal by weight or volume. The quantity to be taken should be decided in light of the dose recommended and the number of days for which the formula is to be prepared at one time.
1. Decoctions are to be prepared fresh for single doses. Doses should not be made in the morning for evening consumption, or vice versa.
2. Do not expose remedies to direct sunlight, unless that is part of the method of preparation.
3. Containers should be cleaned and dried completely in the sun before formulas are stored in them. Never store herbal formulas in open containers.
4. If a formula is to be kept for more than one day, store it in a well-sealed glass bottle.
5. Label all formulas, especially those that are for external use only. Keep all herbal formulas out of the reach of children. Safety caps are advised for all bottles.
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- Category: Natural Medicine
- Hits: 8
The ladies look at the Tibb un Nabawiyy (Prophetic Medicine) and what we can learn about the different foods, spices and herbs and their healing properties.
Disclaimer: While Madinah Food Pantry presents informative linked videos and articles, we do not necessarilly endorse the beliefs or views of the content providers unless clearly stated.
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- Category: Natural Medicine
- Hits: 6
As the seasons change so do our bodies. Our bodies react to the changes in our environment. If we live in a moldy home, or if we are in a dusty, pollen filled area; our immune systems work over time to try to normalize our system. In the summer we receive more vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D increases immune function. We often drink more water, and get more exercise during the summer months; these actions increase our ability to heal faster. These activities invigorate our systems and increase circulation. As we move into fall and winter our bodies DNA reacts to the environmental change. Our body chemistry adjusts to the time period. Allergens such as dust, mold, and pollen cause reactions in the body. We always want of health to be to notch. During the fall and winter months we may be indoors more. The direct exposure to dust, mold, and other allergens may be taxing. Continue to drink a sufficient amount of water and get as much sun, and exercise as possible. These seasonal changes are normal. However over exposure to pathogens, and a poor diet contribute to a breakdown in the immune function. The good news is there are many immune building herbs that aid the body during these changing times. Herbs that will support our immune systems and give us the extra help we need to continue being healthy.
Eleven of the most immune boosting herbs are;
1. Astragulus- It is anti viral, a known immune builder used by the Asian population for centuries. It is used for treating cardiac arrhythmia, HIV infection, and pneumonia.
2. Echinacea- It reduces inflammations, improves skin problems, alleviates pain, it is used as a anti aging her, fights against colds and flu, used for bladder infection, fevers, breast feeding problems, blood poisoning, yeast infection, sinusitis, bacterial/viral infections, chronic fatigue, and athletes foot.
3. Elderberry- It builds up the immunity to colds, fights viruses, coughs, tonsillitis, fevers, good for asthma (when it is combined with mullein it works best to alleviate asthma or lung congestion), it is good to use for allergies, eye infections, and hay fever.
4. Olive leaf- It increases energy, anti viral, anti bacterial, reduces fevers, astringent, antiseptic, and dilates blood vessels.
5. Cat’s Claw- It stimulates the immune system by enhancing its ability to destroy pathogens.
6. Ginseng- Good for anemia, high blood pressure, internal bleeding, it contains vitamin A, E, and B12.
7. Ginger- It removes congestion, it is good for fevers, it has anti cancer properties, allergies, parasites, it is a germ killer, heart disease, warts, worms, infections, and it is high in potassium.
8. Oregano- Excellent for immune health, it contains vitamin E, calcium, Vitamin K, manganese, iron, and fiber. It is good for bone health; it destroys free radicals, and detoxifies the body. It is an antioxidant, and anti-bacterial.
9. Garlic- It kills germs, lowers high blood pressure, good for allergies, ear infections, cold congestion, to remove parasites, heart disease, fevers, arthritis, and toothaches.
10. Calendula- It is more popularly known as marigold. It is an anti inflammatory herb. Good for athletes foot, fungal infections, hemorrhoids, acne, and conjunctivitis. The Egyptians believed it had rejuvenating properties.
11. Turmeric- Last but not least turmeric, which contains curcumin. It is a strong herb used in many curries. It has a “Heal All” type of effect, it’s a tonic herb. It is also; Anti fungal, anti inflammatory, anti cancer, good for treating the following illnesses; diabetes, worms, headaches, swelling, gout, lice, pain- reliever, ulcers, it works to cure illnesses that require steroids such as lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
There are many herbs that should be added to the fall/winter diet. We need herbs that bring heat to the body, especially during cold weather. Here are a few to use as you need them;
1. Black pepper- antioxidant, antiseptic
2. Cardamom- expectorant
3. Cinnamon- digestive tonic