Due to the popularity of Ayurveda, and scientific studies touting the herbs benefits, the use of turmeric is currently very popular. Shaykh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani recommended the use of turmeric, citing its benefits and similarities to goldenseal herb long before its current popularity.

Purifying the blood, clearing the skin, healing reproductive organs, and balancing blood sugar, are just a few of the recorded benefits of turmeric, and Golden Milk is a tasty medicinal drink made using it. Turmeric can be enjoyed at any time of day, but drinking it at bedtime is recommended. A morning cup of Golden Milk is very satisfying, and it easily replaces any desire for coffee, with the added benefit of being healthy for the body.

For Ladies:

For women Golden Milk benefits the entire female system. It is a mild uterine stimulant that can help reduce the pain of childbirth. Taken most probably in the final weeks of pregnancy, in the same manner as Black Cohosh, and Squaw vine, two western herbs traditionally used to ease labor pains during the birthing process.

Golden Milk For Pain:

Turmeric's pain relieving properties are astounding, especially for people with arthritis. As an arthritis sufferer, I vouch for its quick efficacy and substantial pain relief. It usually works within the hour, for approximately 4-6 hours. Note, I did say complete pain relief, but you will be able to get some things done as you creep around.

Golden Milk is great for lubricating your joints, the almond oil assists the turmeric with this, and turmeric is said to help break up calcium deposits.

Golden Milk can be used for infants and children as well, both as a preventative and a medicament for many common ailments. It is an excellent tonic for
young and old alike.

Golden Milk is believed to give children beautiful skin and good health. When used for infants and children it is not necessary to modify the recipe below, all one need do for an infant is give a smaller amount. Breastfeeding moms should drink the milk themselves, in addition to giving the baby a teaspoonful once or twice a day during an illness, or as a winter tonic. For older children and adults a cup or two weekly as a tonic should suffice. Using herbs proactively can shore up our immune systems, so that whenever an illness is encountered, it will be less severe and of shorter duration.

*Remember to consult a doctor before taking any herbs during pregnancy.

Golden Milk Recipe:


1/8 tsp. Turmeric
1/4 cup Water
8 oz. Milk
2 Tbsp. Almond Oil
Honey or Maple Syrup to taste


1. Place water and turmeric in a small sauce pan and bring to a boil, reduce heat, and continue stirring to a paste for 8 minutes.
2. Place milk and almond oil in a separate sauce pan and heat until the milk just comes to a boil, then remove from heat.
3. Add the turmeric paste to the milk and stir until the milk becomes completely yellow.
4. Add honey, maple syrup, agave, or sugar to taste.
5. Drink Warm.
