أُتْرُج Uttrujj (Citron)

An excerpt from "Tibb un Nabawiyy".

In the Sahih, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim said:

"The example of the believer who reads Quran is the example of the Utrujj (Citron), its taste is delicious and its scent is pleasant".

Utrujj has many benefits. There are four elements in the Utrujj, the peel, heart (or pulp), the pith and the seed. Each of these four elements has its own tendency. Peels (skin) for instance, are hot and dry, while the pulp is hot and wet. The Utrujj pith (sourness / acidity) is cold and dry, while its seed is hot and dry.

The peel of Utrujj has many benefits. When it is placed within the clothes, it prevents molding. The peel’s scent refreshes decaying and polluted air. The peels of the Utrujj also improve the flavor of the foods and dissipate foul scents. Also, when the peels are mixed with other foods, they help the digestive process. The author of Al-Qanoon (Ibn-e-Seena) said, The pith of Utrujj is beneficial in cases of snake bite, while the peels are used in bandages for snakebite. The ashes of peels are used as an effective ointment against leprosy.

The pulp of Citron (Utrujj) soothes the heat of the stomach, helps those who suffer from bile and subdues hot vapors. Al-Ghafiqi said, "Eating the (citron) pulp relieves hemorrhoids".

The extract of pith contained in the citron constipates & re1ieves bile, soothes hot pulsation, controls bilious vomiting, and when taken as a drink or Kohl relieves jaundice. The extract of pith is also a good appetite stimulant, constipates and helps in cases of bilious diarrhea. The citron pith extract also soothes the lust of woman and relieves and combats skin spots when used as a lubricant. It in addition cures herpes. The proof of pith’s effectiveness against ink is that when it touches the ink on the clothes, it effectively removes the stains. The pith contained in Utrujj also soothes and has a chilling effect, cools the hotness of liver, strengthens the stomach, eliminates bile and the accompanying depression, it also quenches the thirst.

The seeds of Utrujj have a decomposing and drying effect. Ibn Masawaih said about Utrujj, "When the skin of itsseed is removed and cooked and taken as a drink with warm water, it will help against deadly poisons when one drinks as much as two measures; each around twenty five grams. When the seeds are ground and placed on a sting, they help. The seeds constipate and add good scent to the taste. Most of these benefits are also present in its pulp".
Furthermore, it was said that, "The seeds help against scorpion stings when two measures of it are taken with warm water, and when it is ground and placed on the affected area". It was also reported that its seeds help against all types of poisons and all types of venomous stings.

One of the Persian rulers was angry with his doctors and that he ordered them to be jailed. He gave them the choice to have only one type of food and they chose the Utrujj. They were asked, "Why did you choose it in particular"? They said, "Because it turns into a type of perfume shortly, its sight is pleasant, its peel smells good, its pulp is a fruit, its pith is a food, its seeds are an antidote and it contains fat".
Truly, such a beneficial substance deserves to be compared with the best of creation, meaning the believer (Muslim) who recites the Quran. We should mention that some of our Salaf used to like looking at the Utrujj because its sight is pleasant and comforting.

Many people think that Citron is the ORANGE or LEMON but it is not correct, although Citron belongs to Citrus family, but it is a unique fruit with features of its own as explained above.

أُتْرُج : ثبت فى "الصحيح": عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: "مَثَلُ المؤمن الذى يقرأ القرآن، كمَثَلِ الأُتْرُجَّةِ، طعْمُها طَيِّبٌ، وريحُها طَيِّبٌ". وفى الأُترج منافع كثيرة، وهو مركَّب من أربعة أشياء: قشر، ولحم، وحمض، وبزر، ولكل واحد منها مِزاج يخصُّه، فقشره حار يابس، ولحمُه حار رطب، وحمضُه بارد يابس، وبزرُه حار يابس.ومن منافع قشره: أنه إذا جُعل فى الثياب منع السوسَ، ورائحتُهُ تُصْلِحُ فسادَ الهواء والوباء، ويُطيِّبُ النَّكْهَةَ إذا أمسكه فى الفم، ويُحلِّل الرياح، وإذا جُعِلَ فى الطعام كالأبازِير، أعان على الهضم. قال صاحب "القانون": وعُصَارة قشره تنفع مِن نهْش الأفاعى شرباً، وقِشرُه ضِمَادَاً، وحُرَاقةُ قِشره طِلاءٌ جيد للبَرَص.. انتهى. وأمَّا لحمه: فملطِّف لحرارة المَعِدَة، نافعٌ لأصحاب المِرَّة الصفراء، قامِعٌ للبخارات الحارة. وقال الغافِقىُّ: أكل لحمه ينفع البواسير.. انتهى.
وأمّا حمضُه: فقابضٌ كاسر للصفراء، ومسكنٌ للخفقان الحار، نافعٌ من اليَرَقَان شرباً واكتحالاً، قاطعٌ للقىء الصفراوى، مُشَهٍّ للطعام، عاقل للطبيعة، نافع من الإسهال الصفراوى، وعُصَارَةُ حمضه يُسَكِّن غِلْمَةَ النساء، وينفع طِلاَءً من الكَلَفِ، ويُذهب بالقَوْباء، ويُستدَل على ذلك مِن فعله فى الحِبر إذا وقَعَ فى الثياب قَلَعَه، وله قوةٌ تُلطِّف، وتقطع، وتبرد، وتُطفئُ حرارة الكبد، وتُقوِّى المَعِدَة، وتمنع حِدَّة المِرَّة الصفراء، وتُزِيلُ الغمَّ العارض منها، وتسكن العطش.
وأمَّا بزره: فله قوة محلِّلة مجففة. وقال ابن ماسويه: خاصية حَبِّه، النفع من السموم القاتلة إذا شُرِبَ منه وزنُ مثقال مقشَّراً بماء فاتر، وطِلاء مطبوخ. وإن دُقَّ ووضع على موضع اللَّسعة، نفع، وهو مُلَيِّنٌ للطبيعة، مُطَيِّبٌ للنكْهة، وأكثر ُهذا الفعل موجودٌ فى قشره. وقال غيرُه: خاصية حَبُّه النفع مِن لَسعات العقارب إذا شُرِبَ منه وزنُ مثقالين مقشراً بماء فاتر، وكذلك إذا دُقَّ ووُضِعَ على موضع اللَّدغة.وقال غيره: حَبُّه يصلُح للسُّموم كُلِّهَا، وهو نافع من لدغ الهوام كلها.وذُكِرَ أنَّ بعض الأكاسرة غَضِبَ على قوم من الأطباء، فأمر بحبسهم، وخيَّرهم أُدماً لا يزيد لهم عليه، فاختارُوا الأترج، فقيل لهم: لِمَ اخترتموه على غيره ؟ فقالوا: لأنه فى العاجل ريحانٌ، ومنظره مفرح، وقشرُه طيب الرائحة، ولحمه فاكهة، وحَمْضُه أُدم، وحبُّه تِرياق، وفيه دُهنٌ. وحقيقٌ بشىء هذه منافعه أن يُشَبَّهَ به خلاصةُ الوجود، وهو المؤمن الذى يقرأ القرآن، وكان بعضُ السَّلَف يُحِبُّ النظر إليه لما فى منظره من التفريح