Whenever anyone sees blood they are frightened.  Because this usually signals something serious is happening.  We rarely think of blood, unless we see it. The blood pumping through your veins is your lifeline. Blood distributes oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body, while removing waste and toxins from the system.

It’s in the blood where the body’s main immune system defenses are located. They are protecting you from illness and infection.   Blood is vital to the body, and to your good health.  Allah Ta Ala has created the body to purify itself. The kidney’s, liver and lymphatic system work tirelessly to cleanse the blood of unwanted toxins and impurities. However sometime the work load is just too much and these toxins begin to build up in our muscle tissue and blood.  We will find ourselves having aches, pains or stiff joints. We may have headaches, pimples, boils, nervousness, drowsiness or even discolored skin.  These are all symptoms of impure blood.

What Causes Toxin Buildup?

Poor diet, fast food, alcohol (in any form), medication, and environmental toxicity all help to contribute to the excessive amount of toxins in the body and as a result, modern-day living requires us to detox very often to help rejuvenate the system, improve liver function and restore health. There are many things that contribute to impure blood.  Impure water, constipation, or sleeping in rooms with poor ventilation is a factor.  Lack of exercise, worry, fear, unhappiness also causes the blood to be impure. The brain is 90% water and when the majority of our beverages are other than water this is also a contributor to polluted blood.  However with all of these examples of how our blood can become polluted there is still another one.  It has been hidden for a while and is a major factor in many illnesses of the day. Many cities are being sprayed daily. Not just in the United States but all over the world.  Many American scientists and layman have been investigating and analyzing the plants and dirt after these daily sprayings and have come to the conclusion that it is harming or blood.  Fabric like fibers and silicon are what appears to being dropped.  It is very fine however it is showing up in blood tests.  Many people are complaining of oozing sores.  They have unexplained rashes on their skin. They complain of excess fungus, parasites, and bacterial infections. There have been thousands of people affected.  The average person is really not aware of what is going on.  They call the disease ‘Morgellons”, and it is harmful to all. Many people have full blown episodes of this illness.

Some of the symptoms are; bumps or lumps in the head, brain fog, hair loss, floaters on eyeball surface, nostrils develop very sore pimples, hacking cough, teeth become loose, crawling feeling on the skin etc.

Allah Ta Ala is always with us.  We should always call on HIM.  We must stay in Darood and continue reading our daily Holy Quran faithfully. Remember dua changes things.  Starting your day with organic apple cider vinegar is very helpful in cleaning and flushing toxin out of the body.  Here are a few suggestion for cleaning the blood;

  • Avoid foods packaged in plastic and aluminum
  • Eat organic as much as possible
  • Make your diet less acidic
  • Include 100% organic coconut oil into your diet it has anti-fungal properties
  • Use borax for cleaning clothing and washing dishes.
  • Throw away your micro wave
  • Eat as much organic garlic as you can daily
  • Herbs that are helpful are; alfalfa, dandelion, milk thistle, fennel, burdock,
  • Black walnut power, lemons
  • Cut back on sugar and artificial additives
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily
  • Grow your own food
  • Don’t stress about this, 90% of all diseases are caused or complicated by stress
  • Beets, pomegranate, carrots and green vegetable are all good blood cleansers.  They also oxygenate the blood.

There is no substitute for human blood. We need to try to be more conscience of what we put on our skin and what we ingest.  Make-up, lotions, soaps, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and anything that is put on the skin goes into the blood stream.  There are other factors that are working against us as discussed above, so we need to be as cautious as possible. Taking responsibility for our actions and guarding our health is a must.