Proper nutrition is an old fashioned remedy for cancer. By being aware of what your body needs to survive is very important in preventing and removing cancer from the body. Or to ward it off. At some point in time a cancer cell may entered all of our bodies. However, our immune system recognizes invaders and quickly escorts the destructor out. The importance of a strong immune system is incomparable, and very necessary. In the good old days when foods were real, wholesome, healthy, and nutritious. Cases of cancer existed but not to the extent they do today. Why is that? Why have the foods changed? Could food be effecting our health? The answer is YES. We live in a polluted world. Genetically modified foods are harming our health. Cosmetics, cleansers, air freshener, and loads of other pollutants. Cancer is an illness that thrives on sugar and toxins. One of the many definitions of Cancer is, an abnormal and uncontrolled division of cells, known as cancer cells that invade and destroy the surrounding tissues. It is an illness that many people are frightened to even talk about. It is treatable, and curable but you have to be vigilant in your regime. Allopath’s use chemotherapy or radiation to bring Cancer to its knees. The problem often with this therapy is that the radiation often kills Cancer cells as well as normal healthy cells. The weakening of the immune system from this type of therapy harms the patient. This is why 50% of all patients don’t pass away from Cancer, they pass away from a depressed immune system, resulting from chemotherapy treatments.

Julian Whitaker, MD, noted alternative cancer expert, sums up his view of cancer this way:

“I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body’s immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn’t have chemotherapy and radiation because I’m not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients”.
Many people have this same view. So what can we do? How do we begin to live an anti-cancer life, or fight off the cancer we have now? Research the illness. Understand thoroughly what is does. Get on a cleansing program. Be very conscience of what you eat, your environment. Ask yourself a few questions

• Are you happy?
• Do you eat lots of chicken and meat?
• (Often animals are given anti-bionics and eat toxic feed, which is transferred to the consumer)
• Do you live near a nuclear power plant or cell phone tower?
• Do you eat lots of fast food?
• Do you live a sedimentary life style?
• Do you sleep in a room with a computer, printer, microwave (they emit toxic emissions), or many electrical devises?

This is a start. Purifying our living environment is a must, and a preventative measure. Cancer loves
sugar. Excessive amounts of sugar feeds cancer cells. It also loves an acidic environment.
What then happens when the body is too acidic? An acidic environment will:

• Decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients.
• Decrease energy production in the cells.
• Decrease the body’s ability to repair damaged cells.
• Decrease the body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals.
• Enable tumor cells to thrive.
• Make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
• Becoming as alkaline as possible is necessary.
• Eating alkaline foods. Chlorella, celery, azuki beans, figs, spinach, and cucumbers to name a few, research
• alkaline foods.
• Strengthening the immune system, and detoxifying our bodies internally and externally is a must.

Here are a few more therapies to research;

• Laetrile Vitamin B12
• Essiac Tea
• The Hoxey Tea mixture
• The Gerson Therapy

Drink 1 quart of water for every 50 pounds of body weight if you can, this will flush the kidneys and blood. Only eat foods that are not Genetically Modified. The long term effects are still be being reviewed, every time we eat them. We are the test tube survivors of G.M.O foods. Take supplements such as vitamins C, E, and vitamin A. They are very good for helping the immune system grow strong. Cancer is a degenerative disease that is basically caused by lack of vitamins and proper nutrition. It is a breakdown of the body, which can no longer fight off the internal or external pollutants. Our bodies are being poisoned by the chemical substances present in our food today. Read the labels on everything you consume and be surprised, and amazed. If you can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it.


Beating Cancer with Natural Medicine, by Micheal Lam M.D
Thousand Plants Against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, by Giuseppe Nacci, M.D