Bismillahir  Rahmanir Rahim

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Wa Sall Allahu ta ‘ala Sayyidinaa wa Mawlaana Muhammadin wa  ‘alaa Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim

Qaala Nabiyyu Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim “al majaalisu bil amaana.”  The Holy Prophet Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim is reported to have said; “The Majlis is a trust.”

In accordance with the above cited hadith and the social services code of professional standards Madinah Food Pantry and Family Services which is a social services organization, protects the identities of both client and donors.  Just as there is doctor/patient and lawyer/client confidentiality so too there is social worker/client confidentiality.

There are those who have donated to Madinah Food Pantry and Family Services who wish to donate directly to some of our clients.  There are others who are hesitant to donate because they cannot donate directly to our clients.  The information our clients give us concerning their particular condition is given in confidence trusting that we will not divulge their personal information to others.  The Holy Prophet Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim said; “The majis is a trust.”  The information we gather when interviewing clients and filling out an intake form for them is treated with strictest confidentiality.

Our clients are protected from their personal information becoming public. Our donors are protected from being solicited by our clients who sometimes call us daily. This also protects our donors from the possibility of being contacted by less than honest individuals who seek to take advantage of the generosity and sincerity of our donors.

In the end if you feel the need to donate directly to a family in need, we suggest attending a local masjid and making contact with a family that may be in need, developing a rapport and then assisting. Please trust that Madinah Food Pantry and Family Services has your best interest at heart and the interest of our clients at heart.  The Founders and Director of Madinah Food Pantry and Family Services has been active in the Muslim Community in Georgia for almost 25 years.  Those who have known us over the years can attest to our honesty and sincerity.

And Allahu ta ‘ala knows best.