eid toy drive


We would like to thank everyone who donated food, zakat or sadaqa and toys for our toy drive for families that we serve through our mobile food pantry. Alhamdullilah, many families were assisted throughout the entire month of Ramadan with food packages, iftar meals and zakat or sadaqa donations. All were extremely grateful.

From time to time we get the permission from families that we serve to share their appreciation for the generosity of others who are devoted to assisting their Muslim brothers and sisters in need of our assistance. Below is a gratitude letter from a sister that we want to share with everyone so that you know your donations are never unappreciated and most needed by so many of our families. In fact, we have families that depend on these donations to help them with their bills, rent and food.

A gratitude letter from a sister (name removed to respect her confidentiality):

June 28, 2016

As Salaamu Alaikum Dr. Salima Hunafa:

I cannot thank Allah Ta Ala enough for the assistance that you and your program have rendered to me and others who have benefitted from your donations to us especially during this blessed month of Ramadhan.  With the Pantry’s help, I and many others are now able to see the magnificent of Allah’s Glory unfold by having a very grateful Ramadhan.  It is easier to fast with proper nourishment. JazakaAllah Khair.

Dr. Hunafa, I heard about the incredible work that you and your donors are doing for the community from another benefactor of your help and then yet another.  Please do not underestimate the importance of your service and your donations.  We are living in difficult times and need help.  I took the chance to make my situation known to you and was helped.  Ironically, I am one of the first ladies to convert to Islam in the earlier 1970s and help establish Atlanta’s first Masjid. Just knowing that this same community flourish to assist others is refreshing.

I gratefully acknowledge receipt of your donations. This help came to me during one of my darkest and difficult times in my life.  Until recently, I was homeless and without proper funds to survive.   Although this may sound like a typical story of a struggling person but it should not be for a 66 years old African-American Muslim Lady. After a horrific tragedy in my life I am now recovering and restructuring my life.  I am now enrolled in a Doctoral Program in Atlanta with plans to gain an Ed.D.

I wish to thank Allah for all the donors that keep the doors of Madinah Pantry open to help others like myself gain assistance in the time of need.    From the donations of the Madinah, we were able to sponsor over ten Iftars for families this Ramadhan. I thank you all again for your unselfish help to others in need. Caring for others is a valuable attribute.  Again thank you Dr. Hunafa, your wonderful family and your donors for the grace of your service to communities and people in need.  You saw the need and took action.  Again, JazakaAllah Khair for your services, kindness and actions.


fitrana al athar

Zakat ul fitr donations from Masjid Al-Athar (Marietta)