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Sayyidinaa Abu Hurayrah Radhi Allahu 'anhu has related that An Nabiyyukal Kareem Sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim said,

"in order to promote mutual love, exchange gifts amongst yourselves." [Bukhari]


Alhamdulillah! The Ramadhan Gift Basket Project is off to a wonderful start. Young men and ladies from North Georgia and the Metro-Atlanta area  are coming together to make this Blessed Shahrul Ramadhan a memorable month. By spreading the message of love and generocity they are fostering the true spirit of Islam and the Blessed Shahrul Ramadhan!


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May Allahu ta 'ala bless everyone who has participated so far and make a way for those who wish to but haven't been able to yet. Remember your duaa' and best wishes for your Muslim brothers and sisters during this Blessed Month are a gift  as well.