My intent for writing this article is to educate parents on educational resources for their children. Some parents are homeschooling their offspring and need additional content. Others would like to enhance the content and knowledge being imparted by teachers. This article provides parents with several excellent learning websites with fun and engaging games and activites for varied subject areas. An added bonus is that the following websites are free to use. May they assist parents in the further development of an exceptional educational experience for their students.

StarfallOne of the best Reading websites existing is and targets primarily Reading and Math for ages Pre-K through 2nd grade. The added attraction for this site is the ELL and ESL activities included for children learning English.

Special Education geared games are also featured here for struggling readers. Starfall is child-friendly and easily navigable. It includes an online store with many educational products for purchase. A highly recommended place to spark and improve reading skills in young readers.

IXL:  Another amazing website for both parents and teachers. It covers Math and English in detail focusing on the Georgia Performance standards for each grade level. Parents don't have to question if their child is learning the required material. The common core standards are also incorporated into this website. IXL offers support for grade levels K through 12. The importance of reading to our children has been proven through various studies on child development. However, parents often find themselves struggling to make time for this integral task. is a beautiful website which works with television and movie actors to provide a reading service to children. Book reading levels range from Kindergarten through Elementary.Screen Actors Guild video records these actors reading popular childrens' books such as, “A Bad Case of the Stripes” in a riveting way with sound effects and great character enuniciations.

Sheppard's Software: While the emphasis is being placed on Math and Reading skills, Social studies and Science are also important. Sheppard's Software is a massive store of games and online activities to boost knowledge of Geography, Health, Science, Language Arts, Math and more.

You will notice that Sheppard software not only offers extensive Social studies and Science games but categorizes them by grade level. This website is an invaluable and free tool for parents and teachers.  Yet another fabulous resource for parents. Most parents are familiar with PBSkids. However, parents may be unaware of the wonderful learning games provided on their website. Children can play games showcasing their favorite characters such as Curious George, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Sid the Science Kid and more.
They can also view video clips and full length episodes of their favorite PBS shows. The wonderous aspect of PBSKids is while it is a great instructional tool, children love it. You won't have to convince your children to learn by enjoying this website.

National Geographic Kids: is an amazing website for your children to use. Children can view video clips about plants, animals, insects and more. Easy to read articles are available with each animal along with stunning photos and interesting facts.

This is useful for research as well as a recreational place for children to go for Science. Children have an innate desire to learn more about the workings of the world. Parents can use National Geographic Kids to encourage and cultivate that desire for students of all ages. Magazines are also available for purchase through subscription for your children.