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- Category: Unani Tibb
- Hits: 8
The Benefits of Black Seed by Dr. Cass Ingram
A 45 Minute presentation
Pure Black Seed Oil and Black Seed supplements are available at Amazing Herbs.
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- Category: Unani Tibb
- Hits: 6
The choices of Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim regarding beverages were the most beneficial for preserving health. The beloved Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim used to drink honey with cold water, and this is an especially effective method to preserve the health that only the best doctors could have knowledge of. Drinking honey on an empty stomach will dissolve phlegm, purify the stomach’s protective layers and dissipate its viscidity and excrements while heating it mildly. Honey helps against the clogs in stomach, kidney, liver and prostate. Honey is much more profitable to the stomach than any other sweet.
We should state that honey might harm those suffering from bile, because it aggravates it. In this case, the harmful side effect of honey is neutralized when taking it with vinegar, as this method makes the honey very beneficial. In addition, honey is much more preferable than any other sugar based drink, especially for those who are not used to these types of sweet drinks. When one takes sweet drinks that he is not used to, he will not benefit as much as he will from honey, as this is the role that one's customs play. Customs remove foundations & establish foundations.
When the drink is both sweet & cold, it will be most beneficial for the body and one of the best methods to preserve its health and well-being of the soul, strength, liver & the heart. When a drink is both cold & sweet, the body will be eager for it (nutrition wise), will quickly digest and transfer it to other organs.
Allah said in Holy Quran:
وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ حَىٍّ
"And We Have Made from water every living thing". (Surah Ambiaa: verse 30)
Cold water is wet, quenches the thirst, preserves the moistures in the body, and regenerates the moistures that the body has lost, softens the food and helps transfer it through the veins quickly.
In short, when water is cold and mixed with a sweet substance, such as honey, raisins or dates, it will be one of the most beneficial substances that enter the body and will indeed preserve health. This is why the best drink to Beloved Prophet Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim is cold and sweet. Warm water begets flatulence and is not favorable for the body or the health.
Since water that is kept overnight is more favorable than recently drawn water, Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim said when he entered the garden of Abu At-Taihan:
قال النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم وقد دخل إلى حائط أبى الهيثم بن التيهان: "هَلْ من ماءٍ بات فى شَنَّة" ؟ فأتاه به، فشرب منه، رواه البخارى ولفظُه: "إنْ كان عِنْدَكَ ماءٌ باتَ فى شَنَّة وإلاَّ كَرَعْنَا"
"Do you have any water that was kept in its skin overnight?"
He was brought some of that water and he drank from it. [Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah].

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- Category: Unani Tibb
- Hits: 7
أُتْرُج Uttrujj (Citron)
An excerpt from "Tibb un Nabawiyy".
In the Sahih, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim said:
"The example of the believer who reads Quran is the example of the Utrujj (Citron), its taste is delicious and its scent is pleasant".
Utrujj has many benefits. There are four elements in the Utrujj, the peel, heart (or pulp), the pith and the seed. Each of these four elements has its own tendency. Peels (skin) for instance, are hot and dry, while the pulp is hot and wet. The Utrujj pith (sourness / acidity) is cold and dry, while its seed is hot and dry.
The peel of Utrujj has many benefits. When it is placed within the clothes, it prevents molding. The peel’s scent refreshes decaying and polluted air. The peels of the Utrujj also improve the flavor of the foods and dissipate foul scents. Also, when the peels are mixed with other foods, they help the digestive process. The author of Al-Qanoon (Ibn-e-Seena) said, The pith of Utrujj is beneficial in cases of snake bite, while the peels are used in bandages for snakebite. The ashes of peels are used as an effective ointment against leprosy.
The pulp of Citron (Utrujj) soothes the heat of the stomach, helps those who suffer from bile and subdues hot vapors. Al-Ghafiqi said, "Eating the (citron) pulp relieves hemorrhoids".
The extract of pith contained in the citron constipates & re1ieves bile, soothes hot pulsation, controls bilious vomiting, and when taken as a drink or Kohl relieves jaundice. The extract of pith is also a good appetite stimulant, constipates and helps in cases of bilious diarrhea. The citron pith extract also soothes the lust of woman and relieves and combats skin spots when used as a lubricant. It in addition cures herpes. The proof of pith’s effectiveness against ink is that when it touches the ink on the clothes, it effectively removes the stains. The pith contained in Utrujj also soothes and has a chilling effect, cools the hotness of liver, strengthens the stomach, eliminates bile and the accompanying depression, it also quenches the thirst.