In the past few months, we have seen the dire need to establish a janaza fund for Muslim families who lose their loved ones and are unable to pay the expenses of funeral homes, burial costs, etc…..  Since we serve Muslim families, many of whom are aging, the establishment of a janaza fund is essential particularly since so many families are struggling and unable to pay for these expenses. Even though most masjids do have janaza funds they too become quickly depleted, and we have had families call us for assistance because their local masjid could not cover the entire costs for the janaza.

Anyone who would like to donate towards this fund can do so through PayPal on our website or through personal check made payable to: Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services, LLC.. If you are donating towards the janaza fund please note that on the check or in an email, so we know where to direct the funds. Please contact us for a mailing address if donating by check

Jazak Allah Khairan.