
Winter Food Drive Donations 2019: East Cobb Islamic Center
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 11
We would like to thank everyone who donated food for our winter food drive 2018-2019. Alhamdullilah, much food was delivered to many families throughout the winter on a daily basis with new requests every week. A special thanks to the brothers and coordinators at East Cobb Islamic Center for their phenomenal efforts in helping to restock the pantry so that we can continue to feed families the next few months, In sha’ Allah.
Some of the most recent food donations are pictured below from last weekend. We are very grateful to all who donate and assist in getting much needed food to families throughout the year. We serve families in 10 different counties through our mobile food pantry, many of whom no longer receive food stamps or very little food stamps so they really need food assistance each month.
May Allah Subhana wa Ta’Ala bless and reward you all. In sha’ Allah we will also have our yearly Ramadan food drive as well for anyone wishing to donate food and any other items.
Additional pictures can be found in the gallery.
Jazak Allah Khair.
Spring Clothing Drive 2019
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 12
{aridoc engine="iframe" width="100%" height="600"}https://www.smore.com/5zamg{/aridoc}
Costco Donations February 2019.
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 8
Much needed food was donated by a few of our generous and supportive families from Costco. Many thanks for your continued dedication to assisting the Madinah Food Pantry in bringing food and neccessities to needy familes. These donations were greatly appreciated. Additional pictures can be found on the gallery page.
Ramadan personal care packages made by pre-K teachers and students at Al Falah Academy
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 9
Ramadan Mubarak to all! Alhamdullilah, we would like to thank pre-K teachers from Al Falah Academy sister Maajida and sister Sanda and the pre-K students who made personal care packages for families in need in our local community. These will be delivered the first few days of Ramadan, In sha’ Allah.
Throughout the year we have families who need these items on a monthly basis so we know how grateful and appreciative all the families who will receive them will be. May Allah Subhana wa Ta’Ala bless and reward both sisters, all parents and anyone who donated items for these personal care packages and all the children for their efforts in making them.
Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services Pre-Ramadhan Food Drive 2018
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 12
Madinah Food Pantry & Family Services Pre-Ramadhan Food Drive 2018
Insha’Allah, in preparation for the blessed month of Ramadhan we are starting our food drive early so our pantry will be filled and better able to assist families in need. Alhamdullilah, Madinah Food Pantry delivers food year around to Muslim families in need and some items are very quickly depleted once they are donated. Please see our list of items most needed and if you are able to donate, please contact us. Insha’Allah, we can also accept cash donations that will go towards food purchases through PayPal on our website.
Canned food: Soups (vegetable, tomato or mushroom), tuna fish, salmon, diced tomatoes, spaghetti sauce.
Proteins: Peanut butter, beans (pinto, kidney, split peas, black, lima or garbanzo).
Grains: Basmati rice, pasta (spaghetti, elbow macaroni), flour (all purpose or self-rising).
Oil: Vegetable or olive oil.
Juices: 100% (canned or bottled or in cartons) –apple juice, orange juice, mango juice or grape juice.
Fruit: Fruit cups, dried fruits, raisins, dates.
Tea: Green, herb (peppermint, spearmint, chamomile), ginger tea, black tea and coffee.
Sweeteners: Sugar, raw honey, syrup.
Cereal and breakfast foods: Cereal (all types), granola, raisin bran, sooji, grits, pancake mix and oatmeal, strawberry jam, apple jelly and grape jelly.
Wholesome children’s snacks: Granola bars, nuts, trail mixes, graham or animal crackers, pudding or Jell-O, fruit snacks, crackers (unsalted), cheese crackers, sugar free cookies and snacks.
Diabetic foods: Sugar free foods (jams, jellies, snacks, desserts).
Low sodium foods: Foods that contain no salt or are low sodium foods (vegetables, crackers, soups).
Milk: Evaporated milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice or hemp milk.
Condiments: Mayonnaise, salad dressing, hot sauce, or salsa.
Spring water (please no distilled or purified water).
Bread: Whole wheat or pita.
Produce: Onions, potatoes, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, eggs and butter.
Meats: Halal beef, goat or lamb, lunch meats. Fish (salmon or tilapia).
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