Personal care baskets made by our local Muslim Girl Scouts
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 8
Alhamdulillah! We would like to thank our local Muslim Girl Scouts from the North Fulton County area (Marietta through Alpharetta) for their hard work and efforts in making 24 personal care baskets for our local seniors, homeless and disabled families under the guidance of their troop leaders Rasha Hassan and Mona Shamma.
These personal care baskets were delivered to families who greatly appreciated them and all filled with items that the families needed. Jazak Allah Khair again for doing this very worthwhile project to assist our families. May Allah Subhana wa Ta’Ala bless and reward you all.
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 15
Hunger remains as one of our greatest social problems (if not the greatest social problem) globally. In the United States, it is hard for some of us to fathom that there are people who are hungry or food insecure on a daily basis. Through our mobile food pantry services at Madinah Food Pantry we see firsthand the situations many families are in currently in which they must struggle each month to get food to survive since we started our mobile food pantry service in the spring of 2011. Many of the families we serve no longer receive food stamps, or if they receive so little food stamps (sometimes as little as $30 per month) that they must have food packages delivered monthly just to sustain themselves. Many of our local seniors, disabled and widows are expected to live on these very meager amounts of food stamps each month. Our single parent families have also seen reductions in what they receive through food stamps as well and are in need of food items to feed their families (many have large families). This situation is NOT getting any better but worse. We are seeing dramatic increases in elders needing food, homelessness among Muslim families (especially senior sisters and single parent families) and refugees in our area needing food.
We encourage all who can to sponsor Madinah Food Pantry on a monthly basis, In sha’ Allah. You can sponsor for $25, $50, $75, $100, $200 $300, $400 or $500 per month ($100 per month is $25 per week and $500 per month is $125 per week). Monthly donations can be set up through PayPal on our website at www.madinahfoodpantry.org or through direct deposit for the Madinah Food Pantry bank account through Bank of America. With these much-needed funds it will help tremendously with the following:
Purchase of food items needed (these are mostly food items we don’t receive from donations which many families need such as fresh produce, milk, eggs, foods for families on restrictive diets—no salt, no sugar foods and foods for those with allergies;
Crisis situations when different families we serve need assistance due to homelessness, disconnection of bills, death in the family, hospitalizations, etc.…;
Gas funds for our travel expenses to make deliveries (we travel up to 75 miles from our location in Lawrenceville) to deliver food packages each month so our expenses are much greater most pantries since we are a mobile food pantry.
Below is a testimonial from a single disabled sister with 4 teenage children that we have worked with for the past 4 years through our mobile food pantry service to assure you that your donations are indeed making a difference in the lives of others:
Our Monthly Feed the Homeless Events
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- Category: Food Pantry
- Hits: 17
Qaala Rasulullahi Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim
: “Khayrun Naasi anfahum lin naas:
The Holy Last Messenger of Allah, Sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim (the Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him and his Noble Family) said;
“The best of Mankind are those who are of the most benefit to mankind”.
Alhamdullilah, each month we serve homeless groups in various locations. This month we served a group in SE Atlanta (mainly women and children). Alhamdullilah, the meal was very much appreciated by all the residents.
Our next homeless event is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th Insha Allahu ta ‘ala. In the midst of all the negative anti-Islamic propaganda, with Allah’s permission we will continue to share the true positive message of Islam by serving our needy homeless neignbors.
One of the best methods of giving dawah, in these trying times we think, is sharing the message of compassion and mercy with our Muslim and non-Muslims neighbors in their time of need. Anyone wishing further information, Please contact us.
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