Ramadan Mubarak to everyone! We hope your Ramadan is going well thus far. Alhamdullilah, we have been very busy with many projects this Ramadan as in previous years, however, with covid19 still affecting people, we are even busier. Many families are not attending their local masjids and are staying home for iftar meals. Many are requesting iftar meals for their families, and in some cases, several families are coming together to have iftar meals. There are also small groups having iftar meals together as well. We also have families needing assistance with bills and rent, some of whom are unemployed due to covid19, and some who have less hours of work so it is difficult to keep up with monthly bills.

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Alhamdullilah, we delivered a few hundred Ramadan baskets already and also Ramadan goody bags, and have sponsored and coordinated iftar meals for families, and groups each night. We still have available nights for sponsoring iftar meals at the rate of $50 per individual family and $300 for a group of roughly 50 people. More than 50 people $500 (some groups are close to 100) coming for iftar to homes of neighbors, or smaller community centers.

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